







……这是一个“把钱由上至下转换”的佣金计划!一个非常丰厚地偿还会员而非“公司”的计划! 大多数的计划是“脱离的阶梯制”, 意谓着你开始做、你建立组织、你完成所有的工作,但是你只能获得6层、8层或10层的回报,至于更深的则全部从你那里“脱离”了!另一些是“双向制”,意谓着你从两边开始,你建立起网络,并且希望它能平衡!如果你达不到平衡,你就失去了原先可能获得的佣金!唯一成功的记录是“双升制”或者叫做“澳大利亚双升制”……现在介绍的一种三轨奖金制度,我们叫它“财富系统”!这是地球上以及网络历史中唯一一个不会限制你的潜在收益,既没有宽度限制也没有深度限制的佣金制度!

一个普通的网络直销人只能发展3个新人。这已是超过 50 年之久的工业标准。“财富系统”即为普通直销人所设计! 举例而言,我们为什么要要求你建立六个部门的网络呢?它超出一个普通直销人所能做的两倍!“财富系统”将允许你建立你能建立的网络,并且不会要求,当然也不需要你超过平均水平。为达成获得全部奖金的资格,你所要做的全部仅仅是培养3个直销员,并且帮助你的3个直销员发展他们的3个直销员。“财富系统”要求你帮助你的第一层的3个人,为了你自己能获得最大的酬劳!“财富系统”支付的佣金超过90%!所有佣金每日支付……任何人都能清楚地认识到,这是网络行销有史以来最有利的佣金制度!


1. Your 1st & 2nd are your Training Group. You receive $10.00 for each of these 2.

2. You earn additional $10.00 BONUSES, starting with the 3rd sale and continuing with each additional sale of your first two, to INFINITY! So you may benefit again and again from your first two! This is your Training BONUS Group.

3. You earn $50.00 from your 3rd sale and $50.00 from each personal sale thereafter! So you may build as wide as you like, but you are not required to go beyond 3. This is your Primary Group.

4. You earn an additional $50.00 from the first two sales of anyone and everyone in your Primary Group!
You also earn an additional $50 from their first two, and an additional $50 from their first two, and from their first 2 and their first 2, etc, to INFINITY! As you can see, this can double down without any limits! You do not have to fill a level. When one enters, you get $50! There are no breakaway levels! It can continue, ad infinitum! This is still your Primary Group.

5. You earn $10.00 beginning with the third sale and continuing with each additional sale of anyone and everyone in your Primary Group, and from their first two and their first two, on any level, to INFINITY! This is your Primary BONUS Group.

6. You earn an additional $10.00 from the third sale and each additional sale of your Primary BONUS Group, and from their first two and their first two, etc, to INFINITY!
This is your Leadership BONUS Group!

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