




Death Penalty For Chinese Ant Farm Scammer(zt)


BEIJING, Feb. 15, 2007


(AP) A Chinese business executive was sentenced to death for
swindling $385 million from investors in a bogus ant-breeding
scheme, a court official said

Wang Zhendong, chairman of Yingkou Donghua Trading Group Co., had
promised returns of up to 60 percent for buying kits of ants and
breeding equipment from two companies he set up, the reports

Ants are used in some traditional Chinese medicinal remedies, which
can fetch a high price. Wang sold the kits, which
cost $25, for $1,300, the Xinmin Evening News and other newspapers

Wang promoted his products through advertising and drew in more than
10,000 investors between 2002 and June 2005, when investigators shut
down his companies, the Web site of People's Daily

Prosecutors told the court in northeast China that one investor
committed suicide after realizing he had been duped, and only $1.28
million of the swindled money had been recovered by the time the
case was filed with the court last June, Xinhua News Agency

The Intermediate People's Court in Yingkou on Tuesday sentenced Wang
to death, said an official in the court's case office who gave only
his surname, Yin.

Fifteen managers of the company were given prison terms ranging from
five to 10 years and fined from $12,800 to $64,000, Xinhua

Fake investments and pyramid investment schemes have become common
during China's transition from a planned economy to a free
market. Chinese leaders have tried to
eradicate the scams, fearing widespread losses could add to already
percolating social unrest.

The death penalty is used broadly in China. Though usually
reserved for violent crimes, it is also applied for nonviolent
offenses that involve large sums of money or are deemed to have a
pernicious social impact.

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Aren't liberals against the death penalty? Whatever happened to the peace and love generation??? Makes me long for the good old days! :)
Posted by bigwhtpony at 08:40 AM : Feb 16, 2007

Everybody "Wang" Chung tonight! :)
Posted by bigwhtpony at 08:38 AM : Feb 16, 2007

Actually, this guys brother is an ex general in the chinese army and the company was tied into the Chinese military industry.

When the military snatched all the cash, they left this guy hanging, as well as all the investors. He was sentenced to death so the "peoples" party would not be embarrassed.
Posted by pwrslm at 08:22 AM : Feb 16, 2007

At least this guy won't be scamming anyone else and I bet the next guy will think twice before he tries.
Posted by ronin10 at 05:33 AM : Feb 16, 2007

Great,all evil people need the death penalty,we'd be in the black.Greed is a powerful emotion that drives one to death.
Posted by beehive21 at 10:04 PM : Feb 15, 2007

In certain countries, peddling or bringing in drugs can carry the death penalty. Many countries do not let murderers run around loose after a few years like the US does. So when someone is sentenced to death for ruining the lives of thousands and indirectly causing the suicide of at least one man I say good for them. If people were properly punished for their henious crimes, maybe the US wouldn't be filled with murdering, robbing, raping, pedophile scum and maybe people like the Enron execs would get what they truly deserve.
Posted by MyOpinion1 at 09:40 PM : Feb 15, 2007

China is way ahead of us.
Posted by vancouverboo at 07:24 PM : Feb 15, 2007

we need to have China justice against some of our businesses and politicians!
Posted by bluestardad at 02:02 PM : Feb 15, 2007

In comparison to Enron, this guy was more like the guy in the Warner Brothers cartoon who discovered a singing frog (but the frog wouldn't sing around other people.)
Posted by olebd at 02:01 PM : Feb 15, 2007

When a predatory and greedy "businessman's" scam caused great harm and death to his victims, then he has no business remaining in the society.
Death sentence is a bit over the top. Life in imprisonment is more appropriate consequence.
Posted by Agnim at 02:00 PM : Feb 15, 2007

Makes you wonder if the Enron Execs got off too easy.
Posted by gmcnally2 at 01:32 PM : Feb 15, 2007

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    2007-02-22 17:07:56

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